Wednesday 2 November 2011

world longest hair

Longest Hair (great)

How long is the longest hair? According to Guinness the world's longest documented hair belongs to Xie Qiuping (China) at 5.627 m (18 ft 5.54 in) when measured on May 8, 2004. She has been growing her hair since 1973 from the age of 13. The images below are of Xie Qiuping caring for her hair.

The world record for long hair belongs to xie qiuping of china, who grew it to more than 18 feet long. i wonder if the following ladies would've though that was going too far.

Very long soft hair - Most soft hair in the world - longest hair in the world - nice hair

Facts about Peaches

Facts about Peaches

The scientific name of the peach is Prunus persica, which suggests peaches are originated from Persia. However, China is in fact the original home of peaches.

The peach belongs to the rose family. The fruit was initially grown in China and adored as an icon of long life. Peaches were at first from a place close to the Xian city, China. Peaches were grown in China around 3,000 years back. Wild peaches, known as Yietao or Maotao, still grow in rural areas of China.

Peaches are usually white, yellow, pink, red, or even a mix of those colors. Peaches look alike nectarines, but you can tell by their different skin textures: nectarines have smooth and shiny texture while peaches are dull and fuzzy.

The peach tree is actually a small size, short-lived plant, only getting to around 20 feet tall and living for approximately 12 years. Most peach varieties are self-pollinating, as a result just one tree you need to grow to get the fruit. Leaves of the peach tree are simple, long, fold clearly inward, and curve downward. They look alike those of nectarines. The edges of the peach leaves are finely toothed.
Yellow and Pink Peaches, Whole and Sliced 

Health Benefits of Eating Peaches

The early Chinese realized the peach health benefits since the 10th century. As they applied the pit for the purpose of medication, they even called a peach as "longevity peach", which means the peach that prolongs your life. Modern research discovers that traditional Chinese medicine is usually right on mark with no exception this time.
  • Peaches are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals. However, the one that specifically prolongs life is mineral known as potassium. In case you have a deficiency of potassium, you can have fatigue, nervousness, muscle weakness, complexion issues, poor memory, high blood pressure, congestive heart deterioration or heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia and vibration in the ears.
  • One more health benefit of consuming peaches is the quantity of beta-carotene it has. Our body converts beta-carotene to retinol or vitamin A. The vitamin is important in numerous body functions. Research conducted recently indicated that individuals who took higher levels of vitamin A in everyday diet had less potential of getting cataracts. Some other studies indicate vitamin A is good for treating COPD.
  • Peaches also have lutein and lycopene. They are also carotenes, just like beta-carotene and provide color to your peach. There are various studies that indicate these two compounds may help protect against macular degeneration, heart condition and cancer.
  • Peaches are an excellent source of fiber. You will find two main types of dietary fiber. Insoluble fiber cannot break down in water but soluble fiber can. Insoluble fiber is definitely heart healthy as it absorbs water and then increases the bulk of the stool. The stool then clears the waste build-up. This helps avoid colon cancer. Detoxifying the intestinal wall additionally raises the quantity of nutrients the body can absorb. Insoluble fiber also assists to reduce levels of cholesterol.
  • Everyone realize that oranges are high in vitamin C. Peaches, however, are also full of vitamin C. The vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that helps combat cancer by enhancing the immune system in the body and avoiding cellular change.
  • There is something you need to be cautious. Just like its relative the almond, peach pits have a toxin called cyanide or hydrocyanic acid that ought to be avoided. Consumption of huge amounts of the pits may be fatal. 

How to Choose and Buy Peaches?

  • Select peaches with an even yellow-colored background and distinct creases.
  • Peaches ought to be really fragrant.
  • Refrain from those with molds or green patches. 

How to Store Peaches?

Keep peaches at room temperature right until ripe. Once the fruit is ripe, refrigerate without washing and uncovered for as many as 3 days

Top 20 Proven Health Benefits of Fish Oil

Top 20 Proven Health Benefits of Fish Oil

You’ve heard about the health benefits of fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids, but I’m sure you’re wondering if they’re really true, right?
I mean, the things we hear about omega-3 fatty are great, but is it something worth spending your hard-earned money on?
The good news .. or the fantastic news is that is true, and I have personally been reaping the health benefits of fish oil for several years.
As have my girlfriend, my father, my mother, my brother, and even my dog (a miniature schnauzer called Cleo).
And I am not making this up. Seriously.Before we start … I’d like to tell you something, which I am sure you already know, but just in case…
There are a lot of bad fish oil supplements out there, and the health benefits below are significantly diminished if you do not use a purified, high-quality fish oil supplement, so keep that in mind when you’re looking for one.
With all that said, let’s check out the 20 proven benefits of fish oil.
Some of them may surprise you, so prepare yourself:
Fish oil…

#1 – Eases Depression

As far back as the early 1990s, researchers started seriously looking at fish oil as an antidepressant – or, even better, a depression prevention supplement.
While researching other benefits of fish oil, scientists began to notice a repeating trend: people in countries where cold-water, fatty fish are a staple of a regular diet had lower instances of depression.
This trend was repeated so regularly that scientists had no choice but to explore these unexpected benefits of fish oil and how they were connected to depression–alleviating and preventing it.
Andrew Stoll, M.D., suggests that since cell membranes are partially comprised of omega-3s, increasing the levels of omega-3 in the blood allows serotonin, an antidepressant chemical produced by the body, to more easily transport between cells, thus explaining the benefits of fish oil, higher levels of omega-3s and connection to lower rates of depression.

#2 – Lowers Cholesterol

The Mayo Clinic and the American Heart Association both recommend fish oil supplements to help reduce cholesterol. Through research, the American Heart Association has seen benefits of fish oil in subjects with and without coronary disease and cholesterol issues.
They recommend different levels of fish oil supplements for different conditions, but indicate that fish oil is beneficial to individuals no matter what their current heart health.

#3 – Lowers Triglyceride Levels

The Mayo Clinic as well as several other researchers have found that the benefits of fish oil include lowered triglyceride levels in the blood.
This is particularly significant for those with HIV and AIDS, as antiretroviral medications have been shown to increase triglycerides thus making coronary disease and blockages much more common.
Reduced triglycerides mean reduced risk of coronary disease for those taking antiretrovirals. Fish oil supplements also benefit other systems of the body, so patients with lowered immunity and other symptoms caused by HIV or AIDS may see additional benefits as well.

#4 – Reduces Inflammation In The Body

One of the many benefits of properly purified fish oil supplements is reduced inflammation in the body. Inflammation can present itself in many ways, from lupus to thyroid inflammatory disease to psoriasis.
As little as three grams of fish oil supplements per day is enough to reduce inflammation in many forms.

#5 – Eliminates Joint Pain

While the benefits of fish oil include relief from chronic inflammation, they also help those who suffer from other types of joint pain including osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.
The Albany Medical College conducted a research study that confirms fish oil may be used in place of pharmaceuticals for pain relief from Rheumatoid arthritis.
The researchers also specifically suggested those seeking relief from Rheumatoid arthritis should seek pure, non-synthetic fish oil supplements to experience the greatest relief.

#6 – Improves Your Skin

Fish Oil Benefits Your SkinDocosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are two of the essential fatty acids (EFA) provided by fish oil supplements, and EPA is directly related to skin health.
The Journal of Lipid Research announced in 2005 that a few benefits of fish oil regarding skin condition are oil production regulation, increased hydration, reduced acne and fewer wrinkles.
EPA has also been proven to help protect our skin from UVA sun damage, which causes wrinkles, lines and permanent skin damage.
And there are probably many more reasons why omega-3 fatty acids help your skin look great that scientists haven’t even discovered yet.

#7 – Promotes Weight Loss

Moss Greene, editor of women’s online health website Bella Online, reports that fish oil promotes weight loss and fat burning better than diet and exercise alone.
The University of Georgia reported in the Journal of Nutrition that one of the benefits of fish oil is its ability to prevent pre-fat cells from converting to fat cells in the body by effectively causing them to die, thus reducing overall accumulation of fat.
Additionally, scientists in Australia discovered that fat loss benefits of fish oil combined with diet and exercise were significantly greater than diet and exercise alone.
A recent study in Japan demonstrated that mice who experienced the benefits of fish oil had faster metabolisms and gained less weight in the first place than mice who did not experience the benefits of fish oil (these researchers believe the same benefits of fish oil should hold true for humans, too).

#8 – May Prevent Schizophrenia

Yes, you read that correctly. Fish oil may prevent schizophrenia. Several studies have been conducted on this theory, and a recent study conducted by Dr. Patrick McGorry in Australia showed a statistically significant correlation between fish oil supplements and the prevention of schizophrenia.
The study was comprised of 81 teens and young adults who had shown early signs of schizophrenia.
Research indicates that if young people who show early indications and have a relative with schizophrenia are not treated, approximately one-third will develop the disease.
The study demonstrated that only three percent of those treated with fish oil developed schizophrenia, while 28 percent of those taking placebo developed the illness.
This is incredibly important to the medical community and those suffering with mental illness, because the benefits of fish oil are numerous and the side effects are minimal, especially when compared to traditional antipsychotic medications.

#9 – Improves Brain Function In Babies

Studies have shown that the benefits of fish oil are numerous for infants when taken by a pregnant woman.
Not only do fish oil supplements promote brain development and macular health, the specific benefits observed through research are quite astonishing.
Pregnant women who took a high-quality fish oil supplement had babies with higher IQs and fewer learning disorders, and were less likely to develop mental retardation or cognitive delays.
Additionally, the Associated Press reports that some nutritionists believe that omega-3s are the primary building block for human intelligence, so babies who receive omega-3s through fish oil supplements when mom is pregnant and nursing are statistically likely to be more intelligent children and adults.

#10 – Increases Your Focus

Fish Oil Benefits FocusEdward Hallowell, M.D., founder of the Hallowell Center for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in Massachusetts, recommends omega-3s in the form of fish oil supplements for patients with trouble focusing.
He notes that the benefits of fish oil are most noticeable for mental focus, not as much with hyperactivity. Dr. Hallowell indicates that it may take up to six weeks for patients to notice a difference, but that the improvement may be quite substantial.
Two separate small studies revealed that children with ADHD are likely to have lower levels of omega-3 in their blood than children with no ADHD symptoms, and that omega-3s tended to break down easier in children who suffer from ADHD.
This could explain why the benefits of fish oil are so noticeable in children with ADHD, and could also stand to reason that adults with ADHD might see similar benefits of fish oil.

#11 – Reduces Post-Partum Depression

The benefits of fish oil are not only for babies when a pregnant or nursing mom takes the supplements.
While noted above that fish oil eases the symptoms of depression, post-partum depression deserves a category all its own because past treatments have either been ineffective, complicated or have required moms to stop nursing their newborns.
Fish oil is in a class of its own, since it not only reduces and helps prevent post-partum depression (if taken throughout pregnancy), but it allows moms to continue nursing, which is discouraged because antidepressants are not healthy for babies to ingest (via breast milk).
The Associated Press reports that this may open a new door for physicians struggling to help mothers eliminate post-partum depression and still breastfeed and bond with their babies.

#12 – Improves Vision

Several independent studies in the US and Australia indicate that not only are there benefits of fish oil when eyes are developing in babies in utero, but that adults taking fish oil are less prone to macular degeneration as they age.

#13 – Reduces Soreness From Weight Training

Bodybuilders have recently discovered that due to the benefits of fish oil concerning inflammation, fish oil can dramatically reduce soreness from strength training.
Not only is this beneficial for bodybuilders, but to anyone incorporating strength training in their lives.
The reduced soreness will allow more enjoyable exercise, and more frequent exercise due to less recovery time.

#14 – Reduces Risk Of Heart Disease

As stated previously, the benefits of fish oil extend to the blood and circulatory system by reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.
This in turn helps protect your heart and you, more importantly, from heart disease and other cardiovascular problems, as stated by the American Heart Association.
Some say that taking a fish oil pill a day may even be better than taking pharmaceutical drugs, but no one can say that, because then the big companies would come after them, wouldn’t they? ;)

#15 – May Slow Breast Tumor Growth

Omega-3 essential fatty acids have been proven by research to slow cancer growth, as stated by the American Association for Cancer Research at its 2009 annual meeting.
Further studies have been conducted specifically regarding breast cancer and fish oil, and while the results have varied, there are positive indicators that the benefits of fish oil include slowing of cancerous cell growth, particularly in breast cancer.

#16 – Provides Relief From Crohn’s Disease And Colitis

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are two digestive diseases that cause much suffering for those they afflict.
Often, the treatments are extremely expensive and can include surgery to remove sections of the intestines and colon, which is painful and life-altering.
Benefits of fish oil when taken to treat Crohn’s disease and colitis have been found in that the fish oil actually heals the ulcers in the colon and intestines. This is a huge leap in the search for a cure for these terrible diseases.

#17 – Eases The Effects Of Alzheimer’s Disease

The brain of a person with Alzheimer’s disease benefits from fish oil supplementation in that the EFAs in fish oil help fight the plaque in the brain that causes Alzheimer’s disease in the first place.
UCLA researchers also discovered that not only do the benefits of fish oil include prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, they may include helping to manage and reduce symptoms in those already afflicted with the memory disease.

#18 – Helps Treat Ulcers

 The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends the benefits of fish oil to individuals suffering from peptic ulcers, as the fish oil reduces inflammation and boosts immunity to prevent recurrence of the ulcers.
Fish oil may also reduce depression, anxiety and stress, which are sometimes contributing factors for peptic ulcer development.

#19 – Stabilizes Mood

The benefits of fish oil regarding bipolar disorder are significant in that those with milder forms of bipolar disorder are often misdiagnosed with depression, and prescribed antidepressants, which not only have unpleasant side effects but can actually worsen the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Additionally, those with milder forms of bipolar disorder that are properly diagnosed have limited treatment options available, and many have different yet still unpleasant side effects.
Jim Phelps, M.D., a leading mental illness researcher and respected psychiatrist, observed these benefits of fish oil in his bipolar patients and noted that their manic and depressive symptoms were greatly improved.

#20 – Even Helps Man’s Best Friend

Iams, a respected international dog food manufacturer, has conducted conclusive research that puppies experience benefits of fish oil when supplemented during their first months of life.
Fish oil has been shown to improve puppies’ brain function, vision and trainability, which leads to happier, more well-behaved and good-tempered dogs.

The Supplement My Family And I Have Been Taking For Years

I know there’s a lot of products out there, and a lot of people that want to sell you their stuff, so I thought I’d mention what I use, because I’ve been through a lot of bad products myself, and I’ve wasted a lot of money.
Xtend-Life Fish Oil BottleBut I’ve finally found something that doesn’t cost a fortune and it gives me more energy, better sleep, improved mood, and even better sex, if I may say so.
The most important factors for me are price, effectiveness, and safety. It’s hard to find all three, but a company in New Zealand does it.
They’re called Xtend-Life, and I take their omega-3 fish oil supplement every day. I also take their multivitamin, which is amazing, but let’s stay focused, shall we? ;)
I hope you enjoyed the article, and I wish you an amazing day filled with pleasant surprises!
Yours truly,

Dietary fats and oil

Dietary fats and oil

Dietary fats and oils are the most concentrated form of energy as they yield 9 cal/g, whereas, carbohydrates and proteins yield only 4 cal/gm. Nuts and oil seeds are good sources of fat. Besides providing calories, dietary fats sources of essential faty acids, vitamin E and acts as transport vehicle for fat soluble vitamins.   
olive oil vegetable oil
Olive oil Vegetable oil

There are two types of dietary fats, visible and non visible fat. Visible fats include oils, butter, animal fat etc. Invisible fat, not visible to naked eyes, is present in food items like wheat, rice and pulses etc, in small amounts.  In general, the fats and oils we use are mainly composed of either saturated OR un-saturated fatty acid chains.
  • Saturated fats, contain no double bonds in their chain, are basically exists in solid form at room temperature and are generally derived from animal sources and some vegetable oils.  Examples: butter, palm kernel, coconut oil etc.
  • Unsaturated fats, contain one or more double bonds in their chain, are liquid at room temperatures and in general, derived from plant sources. Examples include soybean oil, safflower oil etc.

Why fats and oils?

  • The significance of dietary fats and oils is that they provide essential fatty acids (EFA), as their name defines, they are absolute essential nutrients required by the body. EFAs are linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid.  Î±-Linolenic acid (ALA) is known as omega-3 and linoleic acid is called as omega-6 essential fatty acids. Both linoleic acid (omega-6) and α-linolenic acid must be present in the diet in the ratio of 5:1 to 10:1.
  • The important derivatives of α-linolenic acid are ecosa-pentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosa-hexaenoic acid (DHA). 1-3% of calories should come from EFA.  Deficiency of EFAs results in impaired brain growth, mental retardation and learning difficulties, dermatitis (dryness of skin), hair loss and poor wound healing.
  • The four fat soluble vitamins namely vitamin A, D, E and K are, in fact, require fats and oils in the food to be absorbed in the gut. Inadequate fats may results in the deficiency of these vitamins leading to serious metabolic derangements with subsequent manifestations like night blindness, osteoporosis, bleeding from skin and mucus membranes, dry skin (phrenoderma) and susceptibility to infections.
  • Futhermore, vegetable oils are good source of plant sterols, especially β-sitosterol and campesterols. The FDA has approved the following claim for phytosterols: "Foods containing at least 0.4 gram per serving of plant sterols, eaten twice a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 0.8 gram, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease." Phyto-sterols competitively inhibit cholesterol absorption in the gut and thereby can reduce cholesterol levels by 10% to 15%.
  • Fats are also high in calories. On an average 100 g of cooking oil provides 900 calories. Fats are functions like reserve energy that is readily available for use at the times of starvation, illnesses and cold weather conditions.
  • In fact fats and oils high in mono-unsaturated fats like olive, canola, peanut, sesame...etc help lower LDL-cholesterol in the blood.

Limitations of fats and oils

Other than the need for essential fatty acids, there is no specific requirement for dietary fats and oils as long as the diet provides adequate nutrients for energy. Those who consume omega-6, omega-3 fats in a ratio more than 10:1 should compensate by consuming omega-3 rich foods like fish, greens and legumes.
Excess fats in the diet circulate as triglycerides and chlesterol in the blood. Both of these agents deposit in various organs and tissues inside our body leading to obesity, coronary artery disease, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, stroke...etc.
Although the average American diet contains 35-40% of calories as fat, most current recommendations are to limit dietary fat to 30% or less of total calories. No more than 5-10% of energy should come from saturated fats, 10% should be from mono-unsaturated and another 10% from poly unsaturated fatty acids.

Below is the table with in-depth analysis of some of commonly used dietary fats and oils:-

Item SFA%  MUFA%    PUFA%
ω-6    ω-3
ω-6 to ω-3 ratio     Remarks
Canola oil        8 61 21       10 2:1 Recommended
Flax seed oil 9 18 16       57 1:3.5 Recommended
Safflower oil 10 13 77         0 77:0 Somewhat recommended
Sunflower oil 11 20 69         0 69:0 Somewhat recommended
Corn oil 13 25 61         1 61:1 Somewhat recommended
Olive oil 14 77 8           1 8:1 Highly recommended
Soyabean oil 15 25 53         7 8:1 Recommended
Sesame oil 15 42 43         0 43:0 Recommended
Peanut oil 18 49 33         0 33:0 Somewhat recommended
Salmon fat 24 34 0         42 0:42 Somewhat recommended
Cotton seed oil 27 19 54        0 54:0 Somewhat recommended
Chicken fat 32 47 21        0 21:0 Somewhat recommended
Palm oil 40 48 11        1 11:1 Somewhat recommended
Pork fat 41 48 11        0 11:0 Not Recommended
Beef tallow 47 53 0          0 0:0 Not Recommended
Cocoa butter 64 36 0          0 0:0 Not Recommended
Butter  69 31 0          0 0:0 Not Recommended
Cheese 70 30 0          0 0:0 Not Recommended
vagetable oil
76 19 0          0 0:0 Not Recommended
Coconut oil 92 6 1.6      0.4 4:1 Not Recommended

 SFA= Saturated fatty acids
 MUFA= Mono-unsaturated fatty acids
 PUFA= Poly-unsaturated fatty acids                               
 Ï‰-3= Omega 3 fatty acids
ω-6= Omega 6 fatty acids

How to choose your Life Partner

How to choose your Life Partner

Choosing your life partner is the most difficult task. Whether you do it or your parents, the task is equally pressurizing for both. The person thus chosen will be a part of your life. It’s thus, not a matter of a day or two. It’s the most important decision to make, which partly depends on destiny and partly on the measures that you take.

It’s a life’s decision and you must take it seriously. Choosing the person who will stay by your side for life is a big responsibility. Do it with care. Some of the steps involved and tips for how to choose your life partner are:

Know your needs:
It is very essential to identify the kind of person you want to spend your life with. First step in searching the right mate for yourself is to know your needs. You must know first what kind of person will entice you for life and keep you happy.

Reciprocate your needs:
After identifying your needs, you must reciprocate it to your family and friends, so that they can help you find your kind of mate. Incase you are approaching a marriage portal, you must tell them about your choice. This will help them scan the profiles and pick out the best ones for you.

Research well on the person and his/her background:
Before proceeding on the profile or profiles you need to check on the background of the person. If it’s a love marriage, you still need to check on the background to be sure that the person doesn’t turn out to be fake. It may not an emotional thing to do but indeed a practical option. You must know at least something about his/her past record before proceeding with the person for life.

Fix a meeting or a date:
Your next step is to fix your first meeting with the person. This may be a casual date or a serious meeting where you get to know about the person. The first meeting is important as this is where you get the first impression of the person. In case of love marriage, you must have done it already and wont need it again.

Have a first impression:
First impression is indeed the last impression. The impression you get after meeting him/her during the first date is the best one. Hence, make sure to notice everything about the person and have an opinion too.

Talk openly:
Talking helps you to open up with the person. This also brings out the real person in the prospect as he/she talks to you. You will get to know more and more about the person and also know if the person is interesting or boring. Talking will actually help you get the first impression of the prospect.

Check if the person maintains an eye contact:
While you talk, notice if the person is maintaining an eye contact with you. A genuine person will always maintain an eye contact while he/she talks. This is the first sign of knowing the person and a vital sign that needs to be noticed.

Notice his/her actions:
Notice if he/she is fidgety or nervous. There are different other sign that may impress you or put you off. Depending on these, you can choose your life partner.

See if he/she pays respect:
Respect is an important part of any relation. In a marital relationship, this is perhaps very important. During the meeting you must check if the person respects you. Notice the way he/she addresses you or talks to you.

Take time to form an opinion:
Do not jump into a conclusion. Take enough time to analyze all aspects, match him/her with your requirements and see if this is the perfect person to spend your life with.

If all goes well, you can fix another meeting and know more about the person’s likes and dislikes and other choices. Following all the above tips, you will get your answers for how to choose your life partner.

Tips to Bring Back Love & Romance into Your Life

Tips to Bring Back Love & Romance into Your Life

Any relationship, be it romantic or otherwise; needs a touch or two of rejuvenation for its sustenance and survival. The urgently appealing call for revitalization which is one of the key pre conditions to the longevity of relationship based on romance and mutual trust; can be ensured through careful and effective planning.

Romance Rejuvenation Tips - Improve Love & Romance in Life

Just as automated mechanisms and equipments call for oiling and servicing; similar is called for from the points of view of sustainability of human relationships. This is particularly true of romantic relationship which requires cautioned and delicate handling.
  • Trips short or long serve to energize and refresh romance by doing away with long standing boredom or monotony. Mundane mediocrities of life giving way to boredom can be easily got over with the occasional planning of trips and stopover. As it is, the core value of properly planned trips and vacations exceeds the worth of any sum of accumulated possession or wealth
  • It can either be a short stop over to a site away from home or a properly planned vacation to a chosen tourist destination.
  • Sudden and surprise gifts extended to your beloved, partner or husband can also count amongst the romance rejuvenating tips. Gifting may not be treated as an occasion bound phenomena and when gifts transcend the limits of special occasions or events; they definitely add to the thrill of romance.
  • Planning of an act or entertainment particularly longed for by your beloved may also turn out to be an effective romance rejuvenating tip. In case he happens to be one of those ardent foodies, tossing up the dish of his choice can come as an interesting relief making way for rejuvenation. Similarly planning a trip to his favored holiday resort or for that matter arranging for combined viewing of a flick portraying his chosen matinee idol can turn out to be a delightful idea.
  • To break the commonplace spells of boredom or monotony, add a personal touch to romance to show your caring concern for your beloved. Do something out of ordinary like planning a candle light dinner within the precincts of your house to enliven the dying embers of romance and passion.
  • In case he is emotionally attached to a friend or relation; surprise invitation extended to him/her can add a touch of glow to your beloved's life; thereby indirectly serving to add to the meaningfulness of your emotional bond.
  • Occasional planning of outdoor picnics together with friends or joint viewing of football or rugby match for your sports freak beloved are some of the ways whereby you can keep the glow of romance alive and burning.
  • Suddenly surprising decision to bring in a new look to your bedroom by bringing about a change in its drapery, lighting and setting can go a long way in invigorating the physical as well as the emotional aspects of romance.
  • Having his/hers study beautified with a placard displaying ten or so reasons why you love him/her more than anybody else may significantly brighten up your partner's day by adding to the thrill of romance.
  • Try spicing up your love life by indulging in a game or two with your partner. It need not be an outdoor game always. Going for some of the simple board games like scrabble, darts and puzzles may prove to be interesting options from the viewpoint of romance and thrill.
  • Occasional break from the mechanized bounds of professional activities for spending a day in each other's company can be another option serving to spruce up the dying romance. You may even have your kids packed off to your parents' or in laws place in order to relax and revel in the cozy togetherness.
It should be borne in mind that healthy sustenance of love or romance depends a lot on reciprocated sharing and caring. Try to be innovatively demonstrative in your show of love and affection in order to keep it glowing and long lasting.

love gifts

love gifts

In love relations,love gifts are playing a very important roll.To make our relation strong and for long term relationship we gives love gifts to our partners.Your gifts brings sweetness in your all love relation and it represents your love in the form of love.Your love gifts denotes that how much you will care for your loved one.Your unique gifts at some special occasion represents that you are interested in his/her life and remember the all happy moments and day of his/her life.The love gift ideas is the best way to impress your feelings.There are so many love gifts as flowers,chocolates,cake,clothes,painting,pots,shoes,clay pots, teddy-wear, handkerchief and other fashion accessories like rings,diamond,ear-rings, necklaces,hand-band etc.Love card also a unique gift.If at a special occasion we send a sms then our messages is also becomes the best love gift.We use lovely sms or our best wishes message when we are not able to join a special occasion.If we are far away from anyone then we can wish via sms or call.Sometime you are not able to say your love feeling to your loved one then in that case you can express your feelings in form of gifts.
The idea of giving gifts to their loved one is very popular from old time.The best gift at a best time is more meaningful for that person that receiving gift from you.Some gifts are always ever green and presents at any occasion and functions.Sometime gifts are offered according to profession or according to need.For example for a teacher a pen is the best gift and for a painter a paint brush and colors are the best gifts.

Bikes wallpaper

Secretes of a Happy Relationship

Secretes of a Happy Relationship

Relationships like marriage, romance, live together or any of similar kinds can be sustained with a happy note if some of the secret rules are followed. Relationship is completely subjective and no clear cut rules can be executed on it, yet following certain guidelines may help proceeding happily in a relationship. Many of these, so called, rules are based on the life experience of many happy couple and also the observation of people. When two people get into relationships, many of them wish for lasting relationships. But pathetically, a good number of them go apart after a while, in search of new partners. Let us see the secrets that constitute long lasting relationships or ever remaining relationships.

Breakup and Divorce are not the Solution

When asked about the best possible way of resolving the issues in relationships or marriage, many people may comment that breakup or a divorce is the best possible method of putting an end to all the troubles in a relationships. It is the biggest mistake people commit. The reason for increased divorce rate is analyzed as the mentality of people who even before getting into a relationship think divorce as means of solving possible issues in it. Divorce is never an option but it's the utmost decision to be taken in life only at an inevitable situation. Do not even think about a breakup or marriage whenever you confront with minor issues in relationships. Issues are just byproducts of the happiness experienced in the relationships.

No Perfect Relationships, but Perfect Situations

No one can be considered in a perfect relationship, how happy the couple is, as happiness in a relationship is just the happiness of the situations created by the partners. No relationship, as a whole, is destined to be jovial and satisfying. There can be moments of happiness and moments of struggles. The couple who learns the secrets of balancing both happiness and struggles wins the life and enjoys the best possible relationship and life. When in tension or issues, many people may think that they are fated to fall in to wrong relationship, and at the same time ignore the possible chances of making each moments in life happy by understanding the partner a bit more and adjusting a bit more.

Never be Afraid or Make Him/Her Afraid

Another secret of happy relationship lies in being open and frank with the partner. Do not feel afraid to express you mind to the partner and never ever make him/her afraid of you to tell out the mind. When people communicate each other many of the issues can be melted down. An issue, how ignorable it is, when kept in mind for several days, can take forms of anger, frustration, dislike etc... and get expressed in the most undesirable manners. Let the communication between the partners be a frequent element and no one should hold the words when he/she really wants to talk.

Love Defined is Respect and Care

You can just tell that you love your partner but can never express the love as it is. There is no emotion like love, but it comes as a package which includes, respect, care, share, dedication, forgiveness etc... express the emotions whenever possible to make the other person feel the intensity of your love. Do not be a miser in loving the partner and let your love be unconditional. It is rightly said that love is defined as respect and care. When the partner feels that you do not care for him/her or do not give him/her the due respect, the person may think of an alternative to you.

Always Support Each Other

Never ever leave your partner unsupported. Whatever be the opinions and ideas, know that you are the only one he/she can lean for support. When both of you are alone, you can argue among yourself on points you disagree with the other one, but in public both of you have only one mind. Holding the hands, especially when he/she is sad or broken, is helpful to convey you care for the person. Once you have decided to live together, then no questions of separation may arise, even in the opinions.

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Photoshop Tutorial: How To Paint A Car

Changing the color of your favourite car (in a photo is extremly easy. Here’s a simple tutorial that will guide you through changing them on the fly. Complete tutorial after jump.
multicolor Photoshop Tutorial: How To Paint A Car

01 1 Photoshop Tutorial: How To Paint A Car
The blue color Subaru WRX above may not appeal to all tastes. I kindda like it but I’m sure other colors will be nice too so let’s try changing them or proposed it to Subaru. Choose Image/Adjust/Replace Color to get started.
02 1 Photoshop Tutorial: How To Paint A Car
By default, the Replace Color dialog shows a monochrome view of what’s being selected (White’s active, Black’s not). Now click on the body of the Subaru and you will noticed that the region of that color becomes selected. Try changing the Hue, the images changes to reflect that, as seen in the image below (greenish)
03 1 Photoshop Tutorial: How To Paint A Car
Now here’s the result of our initial change. It really doesn’t matter if it is a ugly green Subaru at this stage. Go for something bright, the aim here is to see it’s change/affect.
04 1 Photoshop Tutorial: How To Paint A Car
To add more colors. hold on the SHIFT key and click on the unchanged area (all the blue color on the Subaru), or
drag to select a range of colors. That range will be added to the selection and the color will change the image. To remove a selection added accidentally, hold ALT while clicking to select the color.

05 1 Photoshop Tutorial: How To Paint A Car
Keep on adding the color until you have the entire blue Subaru changed to green color. One way to increase the range of colors changed is to raise the Fuzziness value; but this will draw unwanted colors in the surrounding area.
s gold Photoshop Tutorial: How To Paint A Car
Now when you are sure the whole body is selected, change the Hue, drag and move it around until you get the color you want. Toggle the Fuzziness as well if you want. I end up with a gold color Subaru WRX.