Wednesday 2 November 2011

How to Ask a Girl Out for a First Date

How to Ask a Girl Out for a First Date

Asking a girl out on a date can be difficult for many guys. The chance of the girl saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a larger extent depends on the way the guy approaches her or talks to her. If the girl is already in love with you or she was waiting for you to approach her may be getting a ‘yes’ may not need much persuasion. But if you are approaching a complete stranger asking for a date it needs a lot of confidence and the ability to face rejection.
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Asking a girl out on a date can be difficult for many guys. The chance of the girl saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a larger extent depends on the way the guy approaches her or talks to her. If the girl is already in love with you or she was waiting for you to approach her may be getting a ‘yes’ may not need much persuasion. But if you are approaching a complete stranger asking for a date it needs a lot of confidence and the ability to face rejection.
Many girls may agree that they like a straightforward approach when a man asks her for a first date. The best way to ask a girl out is in person. Women like Men who are well groomed and confident and who treats them with respect. Bad breathe and Sweating Odor are huge turn offs so make sure that you smell clean and fresh.  Engaging in a friendly and casual conversation and getting to know her a little first would be a good idea. Complimenting her could also help you score well with her. However telling her that she is sexy or talking about any part of her anatomy can scare off a girl if you are asking for a first date. Instead of that you can say things like ‘You are so pretty’ or ‘your eyes are so beautiful’ when approaching for a first date. If she is looking into your eyes or lips while you are talking they are positive signs that she is interested in you. If she is averting her eyes or looking uninterested then probably you should try to make her interested first before asking for the date otherwise you would have to face rejection. If you find some common interests or hobbies then getting her to go on a date with you might not be difficult. If you have set the date to meet her you should also get her contact information and follow up with her before the date to verify time and details such as if you will pick her up from home or meet her on the spot. Asking a girl out at the right time and right place can help to get a favorable reply from her.
Rejections are not easy to face. But if the girl says ‘no’ at the first instance instead of walking out of the door fast or acting shocked or offended stay back for a few more minutes and talk to her as if you never asked. You can thank her for her time and tell her that you had a nice time talking to her and hope that she would not say ‘yes’ next time. This helps to approach her again easily a second time or get her contact number from her. Do not take rejection personally and let that not discourage you. After all, there are more fishes in the sea.

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